Talk:Registered medical practitioners

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OK, a start. Doctors from other countries should (register, assert qualification and registration, and ) add corresponding details in the fashion of the UK entry, please (I'm UK, it is the first one).Midgley 12:10, 18 November (CET)

Hm, I tried to find out how to check the registration of doctors in Germany. So far I only found search functions at the Landesärztekammern, but no "is this a registered doctor" website. Peter, do you have an idea how this works n .de? --Librarius 13:16, 18 November (CET)

Added details for Australian Medical Boards. MoLE 14:47, 19 November (CDST)


Now, students. In the UK students are enrolled in a medical school, and they are I think at least listed with the GMC. I concur with the remark in Another Place that students are actually less likely than others to commit certain types of error, and would like to see input from them.

I think probably any student joining up should have a specific mentor who is a doctor. Midgley 12:10, 18 November (CET)

We might like to have a list that records students who (have) work(ed) on the project. Among other things it may be a worthwhile thing to have Googleable later on. Midgley 11:24, 8 January (CET)

That's a good idea, as I will certainly put this on my CV, when the time comes. I'll start such an article in the ganfyd namespace. Rupert 11:42, 8 January (CET)

For attention of Adam

This page refers to the creative commons licence. I'm not sure what it should say, so I'll leave it to you! Rupert 13:43, 13 January (CET)

I've rewritten it. The conditions are the same but we need to have two licnces, one a standard CC one, and the other peculiar to us. Midgley 16:18, 13 January (CET)